Kremlin confirma cúpula Putin-Biden em Genebra em 16 de junho

(COMBO) This combination of pictures created on March 17, 2021 shows
US President Joe Biden(L) during remarks on the implementation of the American Rescue Plan in the State Dining room of the White House in Washington, DC on March 15, 2021, and Russia's President Vladimir Putin  during his working visit to Ivanovo, a town some 300 km outside Moscow, on March 6, 2020. - US President Joe Biden said he agrees with the assessment that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin is a "killer." In an interview with ABC News broadcast on March 17, 2021, Biden said Putin would "pay a price" for trying to undermine his candidacy in the US 2020 election as alleged in a new US intelligence report.Asked if he thought Putin, who is accused of being ruthless with his opponents, is "a killer," Biden said, "I do." (Photos by Eric BARADAT and Alexey NIKOLSKY / various sources / AFP)
(COMBO) This combination of pictures created on March 17, 2021 shows US President Joe Biden(L) during remarks on the implementation of the American Rescue Plan in the State Dining room of the White House in Washington, DC on March 15, 2021, and Russia's President Vladimir Putin during his working visit to Ivanovo, a town some 300 km outside Moscow, on March 6, 2020. - US President Joe Biden said he agrees with the assessment that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin is a "killer." In an interview with ABC News broadcast on March 17, 2021, Biden said Putin would "pay a price" for trying to undermine his candidacy in the US 2020 election as alleged in a new US intelligence report.Asked if he thought Putin, who is accused of being ruthless with his opponents, is "a killer," Biden said, "I do." (Photos by Eric BARADAT and Alexey NIKOLSKY / various sources / AFP)

Casa Branca também confirmou o encontro

O Kremlin confirmou nesta terça-feira (25) que os presidentes Vladimir Putin, da Rússia, e Joe Biden, dos Estados Unidos (EUA), farão uma reunião de cúpula em Genebra, na Suíça, no dia 16 de junho. O objetivo é tratar da conturbada situação entre Moscou e Washington.

A Casa Branca também confirmou a cúpula.

Em comunicado, o Kremlin informou que os dois líderes discutirão laços bilaterais, problemas relacionados à estabilidade nuclear estratégica e outras questões, incluindo a cooperação na luta contra a covid-19 e conflitos regionais.

(Agência Brasil)

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